Below is a list of the Email Templates used by Atrium (the sequence and specific titles may vary with your instance of Atrium)
1. Audit Alert– This email advises the company
contact that a change has been made to a request by an administrator. These changes include a change in location,
the location notes, or interpretation date, or that the request was
voided. This email message is not
2. Audit Alert – Client Change– This
email advises the company contact that a change has been made by a client who
has access to the Client Portal. These
changes include a change to a request location, the location notes, or
interpretation date, or that the request was voided. This email message is not editable.
3. Interpreter Application Ready for Review– This
email advises the company contact that an interpreter has submitted an
application via the interpreter portal that is ready to be reviewed. This email message can be edited.
4. Interpreter Application Received– This
email is sent to an interpreter who has submitted an application via the
interpreter portal. It acknowledges that
the application has been received. This
email message can be edited.
5. Interpreter Check Request Created– This
email alerts an interpreter that a check request has been created for
them. It includes a link to the check
request. This email message can be
6. Interpreter Profile Changed– This
email is sent to the company contact to let them know that an interpreter has
changed their profile. This email
message can be edited.
7. Interpreter Registration– This
email is sent to an interpreter upon initial registration through the Interpreter
Portal. This email message can be
8. Forgot Password– This
email is sent to a user who clicks on the Forgot Password link in the log in
screen. It provides a temporary password
along with a link to log in to Atrium using the provided temporary password. Once the user successfully logs in, they are
then instructed to reset their password. This email can be edited.
9. Inform Client of Interpreter Assignment– This
email is sent to a client contact to inform them that an interpreter has been
assigned to their request. The email can
be edited.
10. Job Assigned Email to Interpreter– This
informs an interpreter that they have been assigned to a request. The email can be edited.
11. Job Cancelled Email to Company– This
email alerts your company contact that an employee has removed themselves from
an assignment through the Interpreter Portal. The request number is included in the subject line of the email and
there is no text in the body of the email.
12. Job Cancelled Email to Employee– This
informs an interpreter that they are no longer assigned to a request. The email can be edited.
13. Job Reminder to Interpreter– This
reminder is sent to the interpreter prior to the request. The control for this email is in the
Administration – Company Settings screen under Interpreter Settings. The administrator can set the number of hours
prior to the request that the email will be sent (i.e. 24 hours, 12 hours,
etc.). The email includes a link for the
driving directions as well as a timesheet report that can be printed. The email can also be edited.
14. Password Changed– This
email is sent to any user who changes their password. It can be edited.
15. Provided Access to Client Portal– This
email is sent to users who are set up to access the Client Portal. It provides their user name and temporary
password. The email may be edited.
16. Provided Access to Interpreter Portal– This
email is sent to users who are set up to access the Interpreter Portal. It includes their user name and temporary
password. The email may be edited.
17. Request Employee to Accept/Decline Job– This
email may be sent from the Interpreter Tab of a request. It allows the interpreter to accept or
decline a request via embedded links. There is also a link to driving directions. The email may be edited.
18. Scheduled Client Confirmation– This
email confirms the request and is generated when the Edit Confirmation Email
button is clicked in the request. In
addition to the template being editable, the email itself can be customized on
the fly.
19. Send Client Confirmation– This email
confirms the request and is generated at specified times based on the
client. In the Administration – Maintain
Clients screen, there is a tab for email confirmations. This allows for customization by client for
sending confirmations prior to the request. The email may be edited.
20. Send Invoice to Client– This
email is sent when invoices are generated for clients and includes an
attachment for the invoice. The email
may be edited.
21. New Job by Client - This email is sent when a job is created in Atrium by a Client User. It will go to the email address as shown in Maintain Email Templates.
22. VRI Meeting Info for Interpreter - This email is sent to the interpreter when a valid VRI job has been scheduled and saved. It contains the necessary connection information for all parties.
23. VRI_Meeting_Info_for Participants - This email is sent to participants when a valid VRI job has been scheduled and saved. It contains the connection information for the participant only.
24. VRI_Meeting_Cancelled- Goes to the parties of a VRI job when it is cancelled and saved advising them of the cancellation.
25. Daily Job List for Interpreter - Daily email to any interpreter who has a job scheduled as of midnight. It gives information on all scheduled jobs for the next day.