Interpreters must meet specific requirements in order to appear in the list of available interpreters.  Before you submit a ticket to, please check the following:

  1. Does this interpreter speak the language?  Sometimes you remember them as having that language, but it is actually a different dialect that they speak.  Go to Databases>Interpreters, open their record and then click the 'Languages' tab.  See if the language is there.
  2. Are they of the correct gender?  If you have chosen a request type of 'Medical', one of the fields available is gender.  If you have specified a required gender then that will be used to filter the available interpreters.
  3. Are they already scheduled at this time?  Remember that there is an allowance for travel time (typically 30 minutes) that is calculated to see if an interpreter is already scheduled.
  4. Have they been banned by this customer?  You can check this by going to Administration>Maintain Clients and checking the client's 'Other' tab to see this interpreter has been banned by this client.
  5. Have they been banned by the LEP?  This can only be the case if the LEP is in the LEP Database.  If so, you can check by going to Databases>Consumers, opening the LEP's record and looking at the 'Work Log' tab.  There is a field there for banned interpreters.
  6. Do they have the required qualifications that have been specified in the request?  To check this, go to Databases>Interpreters, open the interpreter record and check the 'Attributes' tab.
  7. Are they available at this time?  To check this, go to Databases>Interpreters, open the interpreter record and check the 'Availability' tab.  The weekdays and weekends columns show the normal working hours and the 'Specific Unavailable Days' will show when they have appointments, vacation, etc.