Go to Databases in the menu and select Interpreters.

A categorized list of interpreters and some of their profile information will be displayed.  You can scroll through them to find your interpreter or use the filter box in the lower left margin to search.

You can edit an existing interpreter by double clicking the interpreter or add a new interpreter by clicking the Add New Interpreter button on the bottom right margin and a pop up will open with various tabs and fields.

The minimum required fields are marked with a red asterisk * and are in the Profile tab. These are Last Name, First Name, Address 1, City, State, Zip and Email.  The balance of the fields are self-explanatory.
If the interpreter has uploaded a resume, a link will show that can be clicked to download.
Take special note of the Allow SMS Messages check box next to the Mobile Phone number.  If this is not checked, the interpreter will not receive text messages.
The Payment Info tab contains a number of fields which are available at your convenience for storing interpreter information, but are not specifically used in the application. They are available for creating reports and you can contact your representative at LSP Ware to discuss it.  The items that are important on this screen are:
    Status drop down list – If this is set to any status but Interpreter, Translator or Translator/Interpreter, this interpreter will not be shown as available for any jobs.
    Grant access to Interpreter Portal button – If you want to give this interpreter access to the Interpreter Portal, click this and it will create the login and temporary password for this user and send an email message with this information to the email in this record.  Note that if access has already been granted, this button does not show.
    Rate Plan -- See article on how to maintain rates.
You track the interpreter’s languages on the Languages tab. To delete a language, select it and use the Delete Language button on the right.  To edit, select make changes and click Save.  To add a language, use the Add New Language button on the right.  Choose the language from the drop down box.  Select number of stars to rate the interpreter.  This rating is arbitrary and can be used as you like it.  It is not used in the system, but is available for reporting.  Click Save or Cancel when you are done.
The next tab is Attributes. This is where we manage the information about an interpreter that is used to track HR info, determine their qualifications, make sure they meet customer needs, etc. 
You can edit or delete an attribute by selecting it in the list and changing the information or clicking the delete button, as appropriate. These new controls will come up.  As will also happen if you click the Add New Attribute button.  The controls are used as follows:
    Attribute – You choose in the drop down box from those items which are available in the list you maintain in the Maintain Attributes menu item.
    Completed – The date that this attribute is effective (assumed to be today unless you change it.
    Expiration – Use it if this attribute will expire, otherwise leave blank.
    Notes – Add whatever description may be needed.
    Upload a File – Click the Browse button to choose a file which might need to be stored to support this attribute, i.e. letters, certificates, photos, etc.
 When you are done click Save or Cancel.
The Work Log tab shows all the jobs to which this interpreter has been assigned. How far back it goes depends on the archiving strategy used.  This information is for display only and may not be edited.
The Comments tab contains three controls.
    The star control is available if you want to use it rating the performance or reliability of your interpreters.
    Comments is a general field in which to keep notes. You might choose to use it to keep track of why starts were awarded and when.
    The Work Hours field can be used for more than just noting work hours. You can put various types of information in here that may be pertinent to selecting an interpreter for an assignment.  This information appears when you hover over the 'I’ symbol to the left of an interpreter in the Interpreters tab of the Job/Request form.
Lots of good information stored in this area so that you are able to make the right assignments.