Attributes are simply words that describe a property, feature, location, qualification, certification which apply to an Interpreter. Attributes are used to filter Interpreters for a job.  They may also be used to track policy conformance for an interpreter if so desired.  This section will be based on the former, though.  Click Administration on the main menu and choose Maintain Attributes.
Once you have opened the next screen, you will see down the left a list of attributes and on the right the fields describing them. You may select an existing attribute and edit it or click the Add button to create a new one. 
Adding, Editing or Deleting is logical with the buttons on the screen. The information to go into the fields may require some explanation.  Attribute Name is a meaningful name so that you can understand what it means.  ‘Is this a qualification?’ is a checkbox to note if this is a qualification type attribute of the interpreter.  ‘Is this required for the Interpreter’ should be checked if the interpreter must have the attribute in order to continue the employee or contract relationship with your company.  The effective date is when the attribute was achieved or recorded.  The expiration date is optional, and will be used for reports of interpreters approaching the end of their qualifications and the need for renewal. 
Just click Save or Cancel when you are done.